Do the different fonts supplied with Softdisk G-S print better to paper than they do to the screen? The smaller point sizes are almost unreadable on screen. I just tried to display the Jacksonville font and print it out. The letters seem to run together with the 12, 14, 16, and even 18 point sizes. The 24 and 36 point sizes are good. Would they look better if I used them in a program such as AppleWorks GS? I have an ImageWriter II, would they print better on a different printer or a laser?
Timothy DeWitt
Cheney, WA
Dear Timothy,
Typewriters use 10 and 12 point sizes. Although these are sometimes not very legible on the screen, if you have point sizes that are twice as large (in this case 20 and 24), the ImageWriter driver will look for these sizes and use these double-size fonts to print at a higher resolution. So if you want to use a 12 point font and have a great printout, make sure you have the 12 and 24 point sizes.
I recently received my first copy of Softdisk G-S, issue #14. I found the items on the disk interesting, except for World Tour, which wouldn't run. The program said the map was not available. What does that mean? Another problem I have is trying to locate AppleWorks templates for version 2.0. Can you tell me which 8-bit issues had templates on them?
P. Lowensteyn
Rosemere, CN
Dear Mr(?) Lowensteyn,
World Tour on issue #14 only contained maps for North and Central America. If you tried to click on any other area of the World, you got that message. Look for World Tour: Europe on G-S #19. Templates for AppleWorks version 2.0 can be found on Softdisk 8-bit issues from #82 on. The Cell Block series started on issue #99 and concluding on issue #111.
I would like to pick certain programs from a variety of disks and copy them onto one disk for my own convenience. Is your software copy-guarded? Can I copy these using the copy function on the Apple IIgs system disk? Also, how does one input music into the sound studio program from Uptime Disk #1?
Lawrence Gueller
Keshena, WI
Dear Lawrence,
Our software is copyrighted not "copy-guarded". This means that you can make copies of the software but you are restricted from giving out any of these copies. Use them to customize your own disk or for back-up purposes only. To make your own disk simply go into the FILE menu in whatever issue and choose File Copier. When the File Copier screen comes up, choose the disk you wish to install to (ie. click on DISK until the desired disk name is shown), then select which file to copy. Now you are ready to install the file to the disk. Press INSTALL and the computer will do the rest! This feature is present on all of our issues and can be used with any file we provide on an issue. Of course, this is the method to use from the Softdisk issue itself. You can always use the Finder to copy files onto another disk. Simply open the window all the way and drag any files you want onto a blank disk. Bon Chance! (Good Luck- for all you non-French folks.) Uptime issue #1 only allows you to edit sound waves not music. So, you can edit such marvelous sounds as "beep", "blap", "scrrunch", but not actual music such as Mozart.
I need some advice on how to install Rastan to a hard drive. I cannot seem to get it to work. Can you help? By the way, here's some helpful advice for all those players out there: Monitor your health meter closely. Try to avoid direct contact with monsters, freeze the game to study harder levels, and finally don't stay in one place too long or you'll regret it! All in all, I think this is a GREAT game.
The Herbster
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Dear Herb,
Rastan is not installable to the hard drive the way those rascals produced it. The only advice we have is the following:
When you are online on GEnie, go to the A2 section, then to the software library section, then search file directories for Rastan. Once found, you should be able to download a file that will permit you to install the game to your hard drive. BE WARNED: you must have Shrink It to unpack this file first. In other words, if you don't have Shrink It, download it first, then get the Rastan file.
I have several ProDOS 16 programs that run under GSOS 4.0. I would like very much to run under GS/OS 5.0. The manufacturers claim they have no intention of upgrading these programs. Can you help?
Eric Benson
West Covina, CA
Dear Eric,
System 4.0 and 5.0 are breeds apart. If the game needs 4.0 there is nothing you can do to run it on 5.0. The tools in 5.0 were totally revised so the programs must be confused by the changes. When you wish to run these programs, you'll just have to boot 4.0 beforehand. Sorry, I know it all, but I can't fix it all.
I like all the sections on Softdisk G-S. My grandson loves World Tour! I am not well versed in the use of AWGS, I had a hard time printing a complete graphic. I am not really sure of the page set-up so I could use some more specific instructions.
Thomas Haycraft
Arvada, CO
Dear Thomas,
There is an area on the screen inside of which the graphic must be. If the graphic is outside of this area, then the image will not print out completely. Check your manual for a description of the desktop when you are creating or printing a file, it should describe this area the graphic must be in.